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Sponsorship Opportunities


Sponsor a Child

Investing in the Next Generation ($90 per month)

Your monthly gift of $90 will give your sponsored child access to life-changing benefits like a safe place to live, nutritious meals, medical care, educational support and life skills.


  • 3 nutritious meals a day

  • Health and medical care

  • Access to clean water

Educate a Child

Sponsor a Child's Education ($35 per month)

You can provide a quality education for one of GoHaiti's children. Sponsor a child's education for $35 per month. Send your tax deductible donations according to the instruction below to provide a future for a growing child.


  • Tuition to attend school

  • School books and supplies

  • After school tutoring

  • Supplemental English lessons


Sponsor a Worker

 Support their Ministry ($150 per month)

The staff at Generations of Hope, Haiti don't view their roles as jobs, but rather ministry. Our staff serves faithfully to provide the best care for our children and guests. Please considering donating to our staff members which in turn allows them to better provide for their families.


  • Stable employment

  • Supplemental transportation

  • Access to nutritious meals

  • Access to health and medical care

  • Supplemental English lessons

Complete Child Combo

Provide both a safe place to live and an education ($125 per month)

​This sponsorship program combines the the options above in order to provide total care for one of our children.


  • 3 nutritious meals a day

  • Health and medical care

  • Access to clean water

  • Tuition to attend school

  • School books and supplies

  • After school tutoring

  • Supplemental English lessons

Sponsorship: Youth Programs
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